An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 needlestick and other percutaneous injuries among U.S. health care workers occur annually. On average, U.S. hospital workers incur approximately 30 needlestick injuries per 100 beds per year.
Studies show that nurses sustain the majority of these injuries and that as many as one-third of all sharps injuries have been reported to be related to the disposal process.
1 out of every 7 U.S. healthcare workers is accidentally stuck by a contaminated sharp every year. It is believed that only 1 out of 3 needlesticks are even reported. As a result of sharps injuries, more than three-dozen U.S. healthcare workers contract HIV per year, 2,000 workers a year become infected with hepatitis C, and 400 contract hepatitis B. There are more than 100,000 needlestick injuries in U.K. hospitals each year.
10 million needles are used every year in the NHS* in Scotland, with around 4,000 needlestick injuries, two-thirds of which are suffered by nurses.
Thousands of Australian hospital workers suffer needlestick injuries each year and the incidence is increasing. Doctors, nurses, and scientists warn that the problem is far greater than statistics reveal, claiming that many injuries go unreported. Victorian Workcover Authority figures show that the number of claims for needlestick injuries in Australia jumped 12.6 percent between 1996-97 and 1997-98.
Needlestick injuries are preventable. Over 80% of needlestick injuries could be prevented with the use of safer needle devices.
The U.S. laws are likely to be replicated in Japan, Singapore and possibly other countries including the U.K.
20 or more blood borne pathogens, including human immunodeficiency Virus ( HIV ) , Hepatitis B , Hepatitis C , can be transmitted via a contaminated needlestick injuries.
* National Audit Office study Health & Safety in NHS Acute Hospital Trusts in England
1. Prevention Needlestick Injuries in Health Care Settings , NIOSH Alert , 11/1999. 2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration ( OSHA ). 3. International Sharps Injury Prevention Society ( ISIPS ). 4. Nursing Facts : Needlestick Injury , The American Nurses Association 2002. 5. Pharmacy Today ; 1 March 2002 ; Retractable Needle Syringe.
Think safety Think ONCE
Think safety, Think ONCE
Controllable Safety Syringe
Sliding-sleeve Syringe
Manual Conventional
1. Can be used as the conventional syringe
2. Reduce risks from blood infectious disease
3. Can be used for drug injection
4. Can be used for blood drawing
5. Hands remain behind the needle at all times
6. Effective immediately and after disposal
7. Can be used for local injection
8. Protect patients from air bubbles in blood vessels in case of doing blood drawing
9. Simple to use requiring a little training
10. Can be used with one hand
11. Protect from an unintended needle’s keeping
12. Will become a device that promote a standardization of Infectious control
13. Reduce any drug resistance for patients who are affected for needle stick injuries
14. Can see a dose scale like a conventional syringe
15. Have a well-designed that made product easy to grasp and use
16. Reduce any psychological stress during medical practice that can make healthcare workers operate with full capability
For Needle-Stick Injuries (NSI) evidence in Thailand healthcare worker please email to Dr.Puttisak :
ประชุมวิชาการ เรื่อง Needle-stick Injuries Fact & Safety at the workplace “Newtrend in using Safety Needle and Syringe
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